Story time
In 2023, my siblings and I held a surprise 50th anniversary party for my parents and we had friends and family from 3 states attend. So many people were there to celebrate my parents. People that we love, but just don't get to see very often anymore. It was a fabulous time and I remember how full my heart felt getting to spend time with all of them.
We hired someone to photograph the event for us - and the images were delivered digitally - which was exciting at first. The dopamine levels were high the first time I looked through those images and was reminded of all that happened and who we visited with that day. But then... I had this feeling of 'now what?' just lingering in my mind.
The crazy thing is... I do this every day so I knew exactly what to do and how to do it (I have all the tools and experience!) - but it was still so hard to just get it done. ONE YEAR LATER... I finally made the time to get a book printed for my parents of all of the favorite images from that party. The book told the story. I was grinning ear to ear when that book arrived and I got a chance to physically hold it and look through those images again. It really took me back to the day and it felt so good.
And, although I already knew it, something in that moment was so clear to me - printed photographs MEAN something. They are precious and dear, more lifelike than a screen, they evoke emotion over and over (so much more than just the first time you see them), and they are something we can hand down to the next generation.
They are important.
I know that you don't want your images to end up living on a USB or hard drive forever. It's way too easy to let that happen, so that's why I offer a wide range of products & I'm dedicated to creating professional, high-quality items that you will cherish forever.
All of my clients still get some form of digital files (from social media files to printable files), but the most treasured products are always the ones that we print.
As an added bonus, since I do all the work, you get to just take your prints home and enjoy!